in your face

 Hello! If yur here you probably want to see "Zombie attack", a neat little comic series I have made using Metal Slug (TM) sprites. This is best series I have made to date and I hope you enjoy it. Also here's some musice 2 enhance your comic reading experience. You can find where to get this music online by going to the credits page on the sidebar.

Note: After reading them a few times I do realize that some of these are dumb and don't TOTALLY relate to the games, but they still help the story progress so please don't stop reading these if there are a couple you find crappy. And remember that I am 13 and I tried to censor instances where there'd be people going "OH S***!" by having them say "CRAP!" or "CHRIST!"

(Metal Slug copyright SNK)

Rage of the Champions.mp3 Rage of the Champions.mp3
Size : 1.033 Kb
Type : mp3
Four Brave Champions.mp3 Four Brave Champions.mp3
Size : 1.177 Kb
Type : mp3
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