in your face

This page is for all of the random crap stuff I make that doesn't fit any other page on the site. 

NOTE: "Equinox" (the pwnsome hedgehog up there) was made using one of those Sonic character creators, not handrawn by yours truly. I just thought it was pretty awesome so I decided to post it up here.

This was me sketching Fox McCloud (Gasp! Really?!) for the next "pants" adventure vid. I used a paint program to make it.


This one actually has a story. YEARS ago I was part of this forum thing about "spriting" n stuff. while going through the posts I saw one about making "spliced" or "fusioned" pokemon. While I have no love nor hate towards the pokemon franchise, I became hooked, and spent the better half of that summer spriting with pokemon sprites. Then, once school came along I got board with it and stopped. Eventually I stopped and forgot about it. Once I got a new computer all of my creations were gone. I was going to go to the forums where I posted them to see any of them, but then saw that they had closed.   

What does that have to do with this sprite? I got bored and was feeling nonstalgic. :)

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